COVID-19 Emergency No More!

Senate votes to end COVID-19 emergency, White House says Biden won’t veto bill

The Senate voted on Wednesday to immediately end the COVID-19 national emergency — and the White House has indicated that President Biden will finally sign the bill into law, months after declaring the pandemic was “over.”

The resolution passed the upper chamber in a 68-23 vote, with 21 Democrats joining Republicans in support of the bill. In February, the measure passed the GOP-controlled House in a 229-197 vote. 

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) reportedly told Democrats before the vote that President Biden, who plans to end the emergency declaration on May 11, would not veto the legislation if it reaches his desk – which it now will. 

“The President strongly opposes HJ Res 7, and the administration is planning to wind down the COVID national emergency and public health emergency on May 11,” a White House official said Wednesday, according to the Hill.

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